European Network, Global Reach

Our methodology
We will co-create the project results together with
- Our local students and student associations
- Our local and international associated business partners
- Our global associated partners
We will share our results within the wider higher education environment
- Through local round tables, webinars, and a final conference
- An initial community of practice
- Conference presentations and research papers
Mission & Vision
Innovating Business Education
We will co-create future oriented graduate profiles in collaboration with our local student and business associate partners and implement these profiles in our curricula by an innovative pedagogy, aimed at transforming mind-sets and illustrated by practical examples.
International Community of Practice
We will create a community of good practice across the partners institution to inspire and learn from each other in which we welcome our fellow lecturers from our institutions. We will work with our fellow lectures to adapt and implement the IBE-ReGloMi approach in their own context and discipline through training and good practice examples.
Sharing and Outreach
We will reach out to lecturers and researchers at other business schools, disciplines and levels of education and sectors to share our outcomes with the support of our associate partners the European Association for International Education (EAIE), the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), the University La Sabana Columbia, and the World Council for Intercultural and Global Competence (WCIGC). By sharing and reaching out to a wide range of diverse stakeholders, we aspire to create an inclusive community of practice.