Our Vision
Innovating Business Education for Responsible Global Minds envisages to become a landmark innovative approach to the integration of internationalisation, ethics, responsibility, and sustainability (ERS), and social entrepreneurship as the defining lens in business curricula.

Blended Intensive Program: IBE-ReGloMi 2025
Innovating for a Sustainable Tomorrow
Our Mission
We aim to create transformative learning environments that spur the development of our students as young professionals with a global mind, who can take responsible business decisions that are based on societal and ecological grounds.
We aim to contribute to the quality of education and support the delivery of a coherent, transformational learning experience for all students, which they can transfer to real-life situations and apply in their future careers.
Our partnership
IBE-ReGloMi is a collaborative partnership, co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme, consisting of Kedge Business School (Fr.) TH Koln (Ge), Kozminski University (Pl), Babes-Bolyai University (Ro), EFMD (Be) and the International Business School Maastricht, Zuyd UAS (NL) (Coordinator).
Each partner university is networked with local student associations and local international businesses. The EFMD includes 977 higher education institutions from 90 countries.
We further collaborate with four global partners: the European Association of International Education (EAIE); the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA); The World Council for Intercultural and Global Competence (WCICG) and La Sabana University (Colombia)
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